Swimming Pool

Swim @ Hillcrest Golf & Country Club

In addition to golfing, Hillcrest Golf & Country Club has a private swimming pool newly remodeled in 2008!  Our tranquil pool is a great place for kids and adults to relax and enjoy recreational time.

Complete with full time lifeguards and offering Red Cross swimming lessons through-out the summer, you are sure to find the perfect summer getaway at Hillcrest Golf & Country Club.

Hillcrest Golf & Country Club’s private swimming pool was newly remodeled in 2008. The outdoor pool has a Life Guard on duty with open swimming daily.

Our pool facility also offers lessons throughout the summer for its members along with allowing guest privileges for those members who may have out of town guests.

Concessions from the Club House are available and the spacious lounging area is relaxing.

Rules & Regulations

Hillcrest Golf & Country Club strives to make everyones experience relaxing and enjoyable.  To do so, there must be rules set in place.  Please take a moment to review the rules and relay the rules to anyone using your membership privileges.

Life Guard

  • The life guard on duty shall be charged with the complete responsibility of enforcing all rules and has the authority to expel, at his discretion, ANY person who violates any of the rules.  There will be a 15-minute break each hour.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

Parent Responsibility

  • Members are urgently requested to familiarize themselves with all pool regulations and to instruct their children concerning them before permitting them to use the pool.
  • Club Assumes Nor Accepts Any Liability!
  • All persons, including children, using the pool facilities shall do so at their own risk.


  • Rules are posted at the pool and must be observed or violators will be denied use of the pool.
  • All Swimmers must sign in with the Life Guard.
  • Members should instruct children on use of properly labeled containers for bottles, cans, and garbage disposal.  Garbage pollutes the pool, please throw garbage in the trash cans.
  • Members are asked to remind children not to bring loose coins, jewelry, band aids when swimming.  These items clog up the filters.
  • Glasses may be checked with the Life Guard.

Open Swimming

  • 1:00 to 9:00 pm everyday.


  • Please visit our Programs & Classes page located to the left.

Guest Privileges

  • Upon arriving at the pool, Member must sign yourself in and any guest you bring.  Sign in sheet will be at the South Gate.  Out of town guests may use the pool if accompanied by a member.  This privilege should not be abused.  A fee of $3.00 per day for out of town guest.  In-town guests are allowed use of the pool for special events as approved by the manager.

Lost & Found Items

  • All items left at the swimming pool are turned into the Pool Manager’s office.  Please check with them if you are missing an article.

Pool Hours: 1pm – 9pm; 7 days a week

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